Strategic UX Tweaks for Maximum Impact

The financial services such as mortgages and investments that are fundamental to buying and selling real estate were not optimally integrated into the platform. The AgentSally product team understood that the call-to-actions, description and placement of these services on the platform should be adapted to make customers more aware of the services and help them understand the all-around offer by AgentSally.
How WeSlam helped
Together with the client, we decided to focus on buyers and target them specifically with financial services. For this target group, a solid financial position is essential in the short and long term for the purchase of a property. Our team conducted a comprehensive UX review of the buyer journey. Then we identified the touchpoints with the greatest impact based on a quantitative evaluation.
Based on these findings, we developed suggestions for how the advertising of financial services could be neatly integrated into the buyer journey without disrupting the user experience. The recommendations were developed in Figma, which enabled AgentSelly to implement them directly.Thanks to the quick support, AgentSally was able to quickly realise improvements on the platform and create noticeable added value for users.

We are very happy with our collaboration with WeSlam! They presented us with a new way of looking at our challenge, which we were able to implement with a manageable amount of effort. Thanks to them, we were able to further improve the customer experience.
The financial services are now a neatly integrated part of AgentSelly's all-around carefree package for buyers. With our focus set on small and simple implementations, the financial services could be added to the buyer journey in a very short period of time.
Furthermore, we identified strategic long-term opportunities to further increase the added value for buyers.
An overview of general UX improvement potential and a brief analysis of the technical tools on the platform rounded off the project and provided AgentSelly with further valuable insights beyond the actual scope of the assignment.

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